January 2, 2011

Day 1

Hey Hey Hey,

Its the end of the day and I did a FABULOUS job! I stuck to my points... I made sure to bring snacks with me when I went on my drive to VA, I drank my water, and I walked my mile. I am rather proud of myself today. Im going to start taking more pictures of what I eat so you guys can see what I am eating. I haven't been to work in a few days so I need to hit the sack early so that I can be bright eyed 1st thing in the morning. I am going to attempt to get up and do my mile at 4am.

Wish Me Luck!


January 1, 2011

Starting Over

Happy New Year!!!!

I am really excited about 2011. I couldn't weight to ring in the NEW YEAR! Mainly because I am starting off with a clean slate. I decided to join Weight Watchers today. I have done weight watchers several times before but now that the new Points Plus program is out I want to give it a try. I am at a different place mentally this year. A little older, a little wiser, and a little bit more determined and sick of were I am at.

This year I also want to attempt to try some new things:

1. I want to try documenting my weightloss journey on Youtube.

This is big for me cause last year while I was sitting home for 3 months recovering from my ankle surgery, all I did was watch youtube videos. This is also going to be and interesting journey because I am very shy, especially camera shy. But I think this challenge will help me break out of that.

2. I want to take more pictures of myself.

Last year you could barely find a picture of me, becasue I hid from the camera as much as possible. I hated all my pictures that showed anything from the neck down. Heck, my neck wasn't even looking all that cute. I think this will help me step my game up with my fashion sense also. I love shopping, fashion, and especially shoes. But 2010 did not reflect that AT ALL! Because of my issues with my weight, I didn't shop, I didn't get all dressed up like I used to do. I didn't wear 97% of the cute shoes that I have in my closet. As a matter of fact, I got rid of 20 pair of shoes.

I am going to stick to those two things for now. But I hope through blogging about this I will be able to reach my goals..
