October 31, 2009

In The Beginning

Hello, I am in serious need of some motivation so I am going to give Blogging a try. Hopefully this will assist me in getting to my goal. I joined Weight Watchers several weeks ago and all the weight that I have lost I have gained back. I don't want to give up this time. I need this. So I will begin this journey again and try to blog daily to keep myself accountable. Wish Me Luck :)

My Food:
Today, I started off on a good foot. For breakfast I had WW yogurt and 1/2 cup of fiber one cereal with 4 strawberries cut up in the mix. Yummy. Then before I left the house I had a Boca Burger with a tbsp of Mango salsa on a Thomas English muffin. This is where the downfall begins. I sat in the hair salon for hours with my daughter, we were both starving. After we left we stopped and grabbed some Japanese stir fry before we went to the nail salon. It wasn't too bad. Shrimp and Mushrooms over Steamed white rice, and a side of stir fried veggies. The portion they gave me of course was ridiculous and I ate all. Then I went over to my parents house and they were baking beef patties that we brought back from NY the previous week. I had one! OK, maybe I had two.......... I tried. I did go grocery shopping today so I will try tomorrow to get back on track.

My Mood: Sluggish
I have been so tired all week. I haven't been able to get a work out in. I blame this on my diet. Once I eat better, I know things will change.

There are sooooo many reasons why I need to loose this weight. Today I weighed in at 228. I haven't' been to a meeting in 2 weeks so I gained 5lbs. That was sooo depressing. I really need to loose this weight. I guess to start off I can document one reason a day for the next couple of days.

Reason #1: My Health
As I put on the pounds, I just feel my health deteriorating. Its getting harder to move, its getting harder to breath, my knees, my joints, my back, the list goes on and on. This summer I had to have surgery on my ankle. I fell down the stairs earlier this year (balance problems) and tore the ligaments in one of my ankles. The surgery had me off of my feet for 3 months. Not only was I off my feet with no activity, I was sitting in my parents house doing nothing. I was able to work from home so I sat up in the kitchen everyday working. I had a wheel to rest on to help me get around the house. The only place I was going was to the fridge. I gained close to 15 lbs during that recovery period. 15lbs on top of the 215 lbs that I was already carrying. I knew I had to do something. As soon as I was able to do some type of walking I went to weight watchers. I have been before (each time a few lbs heavier than the previous). This time I went in with a commitment mentality. I can't give up this time. I have to keep going.